Fibonacci and I
Welcome to the website where
Fibonacci and i
are subject to further research
Generally speaking a mathematical formula consists of numbers and operators, which could be called ‘the roots of mathematics’. In this introduction their most basic properties will be mentioned.
The work of Fibonacci has been studied widely. Nevertheless not everything has been revealed yet. In this section some thoughts are brought together based on a new approach to the expansions of the Base-φ Number System.
In his 'Liber Acabi' Fibonacci introduced the Indian figures 1 to 9. Together with Arabic sign 0 every number can be written using the decimal system. But there is one number that causes problems: the root of -1, also known as the imaginary number i. Reason enough for me to explore the roots of this root.
One particular intriguing fact is the appearance of the Golden Ratio in Nature. In a more philosophical approach I will describe a model of the world we live in based on thoughts of Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician.
While exploring the nature of our being Stephen Hawking's 'A brief history of Time' passed by. It triggered me to try to find out what Time actually is. As a tribute to him I named my short thesus: A (very) brief philosophy of Time